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Writer's pictureAlexander Morton-Wright

Themes in ECE Curriculum

Updated: Aug 22, 2021

Here we will look at two themes that are broad enough to make interdisciplinary units in the Early Childhood classroom. The themes I have chosen are How we express ourselves and Who we are. The reason I have chosen these two themes is that they can be applied to a variety of interdisciplinary lessons and link well to SEL learning that makes a positive difference in the class as a whole.

How we express ourselves

Essential lesson topics that will benefit the students

An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. This theme is a great time to introduce children to their emotions, helping them to name them and provide them with mechanisms to manage their emotions. It also is wide enough to encompass art and the appreciation of art leading to field trips to a location where children can find art they are interested in. As well as being a great starting point to analyse different cultures and values creating an appreciation of differences and understanding within the children.

How to incorporate this theme into an interdisciplinary curriculum

Art - Children will talk about emotions in a small group and what causes

certain emotions. After talking about emotions, children will make a person

that they can flip the faces up and down to change their expression showing the different emotions and feelings they have learnt.

Art - Art: Mixing primary colours to create secondary colours, and then observe these colours and discuss how they make you feel.

Literacy - Stories include: The 5 Senses; Hearing, Sight, Smell, Taste, Touch (5 books); Each Kindness; Mean Soup

Math - Children will compare two sets of faces showing emotions and will be asked to indicate whether one set is ‘the same as’, ‘more than’ or ‘less than’ the other. The children will play this game to demonstrate their understanding of emotions and also that they can distinguish them and even understand the different levels of these emotions people may feel.

PE - Expressing ourselves through dance & movement.

Science - Exploring the five senses we have through interesting objects prepared for the children to manipulate with their senses. What is that sound? How is it made? How does it travel through different states of matter?

SEL - Children will talk about emotions and how they display them. We will talk about issues they have had themselves or with others and discuss what emotions caused these problems. We will then talk about ways that we could avoid unhappy situations and how best to manage our emotions. We will talk about examples of all emotions but at the same time let children know it is ok to feel these emotions and talk about them but not good to act on them.

SEL - An analysis of different cultures in the classroom and around the world to help children understand and accept differences.

Social Studies - Different celebrations around the world. Signs, symbols, and codes throughout history

STEAM - Robotics and programming. Programming robots to trace the Chinese lanterns that the students have created (in honour of Chinese New Year).

STEAM & Music - Students will make their own musical instruments with recycled items.

Music - Folk songs and dances. Songs for celebrations Christmas, Valentines Day, New Year, Chinese New Year, etc. Musical notation helps us write musical compositions.

Sample lesson idea

Who we are

Essential lesson topics that will benefit the students

An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human. This theme has a lot of directions it can go in based on the interests of the students. I like to start with understanding our body focusing on ourselves and the language needed to describe and name body parts. Later I like to move on to relationships with others and how to maintain friendships and play nicely. After covering these relationships we move on to relationships with communities and the wider world.

How to incorporate this theme into an interdisciplinary curriculum

Art - Working with friends to create a group art project. Students work individually to design a paper quilt square and then work cooperatively to join the squares together. Students reflect on their family roots and then create a drawing pertaining to their particular ethnic culture/heritage in a family tree. As a community, students create a mural showing life at their school. Students research a particular historical figure from their culture and then do a portrait of that individual.

Geography - Maps and explorers.

Literacy - Stories include: Wolfie, The Bunny, Julius, Baby of the World, Should I Share My Ice Cream? My Best Friend, Enemy Pie, The Emperor’s New Clothes, Too Many Tamales, Values Tales.

Music - Folk and traditional songs, school songs, patriotic songs.

Science - Understanding the five senses. Healthy choices and nutrition in our culture as well as others.

SEL - Different cultures around the world. How to interact with friends nicely and ways to create and maintain friendships.

Social Studies - Family relationships. Vocabulary to name the different members of a family. Classroom and school communities; Rules and laws. Money; economic choices; culture within a community. Famous scientists throughout history. Influential leaders throughout history.

Technology -Digital poster: All about me and my culture.

Sample lesson idea

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